RIDE: Alstonville Tregeagle Tucki Rous 41km 690m
Click here for the starting point in the carpark south of Crawford House, Alstonville.
Click here to view the route on Ridewithgps.
We head south on Wardell Rd, then east along Ellis Rd to join Bounday Rd to Lindendale Rd then turn south to Tregeagle before going down to Tucki and heading east to find our way along Tucki and Marom Ck Roads up the Devils Elbow (where we will have a drink and snack break) and home via Rous Rd and Red Lane.
It's 41km, coffee at the end, so bring LOTS of refreshing water or snack or whatever for a break along the way. Leader Chris 0490331125.
Members register on this event, visitors contact the cycling coordinator Chris McDowell 0490331125.
Upon registration it will be assumed you have read the Northern Rivers Bushwalkers Club CYCLING ESSENTIAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT and you bring in your pack a completed Medical Information slip.
Goonengerry Waterfalls Limit 15 ...